Josh Harney Productions

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A Creative/Wedding Professional’s Guide to Surviving The Virus That Must Not Be Named 😷 | aka 7 things that are keeping me sane as of late

I’m no doctor, therapist, or self-help guru, but I do know what has helped me personally keep a level head these past few weeks and strengthen my physical, and emotional well-being. Below are just a few bits of info that I wanted to pass along, and hopefully at least one of these can help you as well during these strange, and trying times. Godspeed!

1. Stick To A Schedule And Create Routines 📅

For most people, including myself, we are more effective, purposeful, happy, and healthy when we have more structure and routine in our lives. Now is a perfect time to re-enforce some stability when things may seem so chaotic and unstable.

What this looks like for me:

Sticking to a normal work/sleep schedule (even though I don’t have to), walking the dogs before and after work at similar times, playing a game with my wife before going to bed.

2. Practice Gratitude 🙏

It’s so easy to think about all of the things we’ve lost, are losing, or may not have in the future right now, but the truth is, for most Americans, we still have a ton to be grateful for. Personally, thinking about what I’m thankful for snaps me right out of a despondent mindset.

What this looks like for me:

Writing down three things I’m thankful for every morning. Yesterday It was our three sweet dogs, clean running water, and popcorn! Idea Inspired by Jeff Manion’s devotion found here:

3. Don’t Watch So Much News 📰

It’s really easy to get updates on what’s going on through YouTube, news websites, and watch live coverage of what’s going on in the world and locally, but for me it is usually paired with a little extra dose of paranoia, fear, and panic. Personally, I prefer to get informed through more fact-driven, objective sites such as (Center For Disease Control) and (World Health Organization). Also, I’d limit yourself to checking only twice a day, maybe once in the morning and once at night.

What this looks like for me:

Here are the two main homepages that I frequent for the current news:

CDC: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Cases & Latest Updates and

WHO: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak

4. Research Passive Income Ideas 💵

A general definition of passive Income is “money you earn in a way that requires little to no daily effort to maintain". Although researching and starting a passive income stream might not bring in much initially, it’s a great idea to set something into place now when most of us have such a high supply of time on our hands. This will still benefit our future, and could possibly set us up to help in any lean times to come.

What this looks like for me:

Throughout the years, I’ve had the honor of filming in some of the most beautiful locations around the world, and with most of these locations I’ve been able to shoot 4k aerial drone footage for their respective wedding locations. One thing I have been doing this past week is slowly sifting through some of the best clips from my aerial footage library, and uploading them to stock footage websites that can later be purchased or licensed from other filmmakers for a fee.

5. Help Others 🤝

Sometimes when we are so caught up in our own problems (*ahem* me), the best way to get out of our own way is to reach out and help someone else. It becomes a win-win when you help someone else and get some perspective on what you are going through.

What this looks like for me:

Mainly writing this post to hopefully encourage and help others, but I’m currently thinking of other ways to reach out.

6. Exercise Even Without The Gym🎽

One of my favorite ways to de-stress or clear my head is to get my heart rate up and do something physical. I know that many people may feel stranded without a gym to go to, but there are still a ton of viable ways to stay physically fit during these times. Even through Shelter-In-Place orders we can can hike, jog, run, walk, bike, do yoga, or dance!🕺💃

What this looks like for me:

Between daily walks with our three pups, a stationary bike and a yoga mat in my office, and an electronic drum-kit at home, I’m able to still get my heart rate up, and break a sweat every day.

7. Finally Tackle That Project That You Have Been Putting Off 🔨

I feel like everyone has at least one daunting project in their life that always elicits that response of “yeah… I’ll get that done when I have more time.” Well, now we all have more time. Everyone’s project is probably different, but if something popped in your head while reading this, that’s probably the one to tackle!

What this looks like for me:

This is not necessarily a project I’ve been putting off, but one that I sought out knowing I had the extra time. I reached out to my parents and asked if there is anything I could do for them as I now have a bit more time on my hands, and my mom told me about something that I never knew until now. My Grandma & Grandpa passed along a box of almost 60 Super 8mm film reels that they captured through the 60s, 70s, and 80s and has sat in a box under their bed for almost 4 decades. So, I researched what it would take to digitize and upload all the film reels and I am currently going through the tedious process of digitizing all the film so they can re-watch and cherish those memories forever.

If you found this helpful in any way, feel free to share it with other creative/wedding professionals, or anyone else that might benefit from it. Stay safe out there! 👍